Access to the global
bond market:

  • See the bond prices and trade bonds in MT5 Global trading platform.
  • Both low-risk and high-yield bonds are available. US Treasuries, Russian bonds, Gazprom bonds and many more.
  • Add more bonds to the trading platform by request.

High yield bonds:

  • Yields on bonds with investment grade ratings of up to 5%, bond yields of the largest world banks up to 7% per annum in USD.
  • Leverage up to 2 for speculative, up to 3 for high-rated bonds.
  • Speculative instruments are available. Turkey bonds, Deutsche Bank bonds and more

* Higher yield implies higher risk

Low commission and minimum deposit:

  • Low commission 0.128% of the transaction amount, min. 10 USD.
  • Low commission 0.128% of the transaction amount, min. 10 USD.
  • Trade bonds, stocks, futures and FX at the same trading account.
  • Limit orders are available.


  • Open MT5 Global account to place limit and market orders right in the trading platform. Please see the manual.
  • Bonds are traded mainly in the OTC market. Some bonds are also traded on exchanges, but exchange liquidity for these instruments is usually significantly lower. Our traders execute your orders in the bond market with other investment companies and banks.
  • We provide trade with real bonds, with a real delivery of securities. Within two working days after the execution of the transaction, bonds are delvered to our depository through settlement systems Euroclear/Clearstream.
  • You get regular coupon income (usually 2 or 1 times a year) as soon as the bond issuer pays the coupon. Money are transferred within several days.
  • We are not your tax agent, so for most bonds the coupon income is credited to your brokerage account without tax deduction.
  • Select the bonds which are suitable for you regarding their yield, risk and investment amount. Alternatively, feel free to contact us to review and add the bond you like to the trading platform.

Indicative prices of some instruments as of 18/05/2020

ISIN Issuer Par value Coupon % per annum Maturity date Bid % (without ACI) Ask % (without ACI) Ask Yield Min. volume
non-banks corporate bonds
XS1533915721 EVRAZ PLC 1,000 5.38 20/03/2023 105.04 107.15 2.73 200
XS1400710726 GTH FINANCE BV 1,000 7.25 26/04/2023 109.24 111.01 2.95 200
XS0191754729 GAZPROM (GAZ CAPITAL SA) 1,000 8.63 28/04/2034 148.66 150.89 3.87 2
XS0316524130 GAZPROM (GAZ CAPITAL SA) 1,000 7.29 16/08/2037 139.24 141.51 3.95 100
USL0427PAA41 ATENTO LUXCO 1 SA 1,000 6.13 10/08/2022 61.87 63.06 30.06 30
US594918BY93 MICROSOFT CORP 1,000 3.30 06/02/2027 112.34 114.35 1.00 50
XS0919504562 LUKOIL INTL FINANCE BV 1,000 4.56 24/04/2023 104.30 106.08 2.40 200
US01609WAT99 ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING 1,000 3.40 06/12/2027 109.38 110.99 1.79 200
US71654QCG55 PETROLEOS MEXICANOS 1,000 6.50 13/03/2027 83.41 85.34 9.46 25
USP78625DY68 PETROLEOS MEXICANOS 1,000 7.69 23/01/2050 77.44 80.67 9.68 30
government bonds
US9128284N73 US TREASURY N/B 100 2.88 15/05/2028 117.77 118.83 0.47 500
XS0088543193 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 1,000 12.75 24/06/2028 169.88 171.63 2.80 15
XS1760804184 REPUBLIC OF BELARUS 1,000 6.20 28/02/2030 94.34 96.46 6.70 200
XS0559915961 VNESHECONOMBANK(VEB FIN) 1,000 6.80 22/11/2025 116.40 118.15 3.18 100
US900123AW05 REPUBLIC OF TURKEY 1,000 7.38 05/02/2025 100.68 102.10 6.84 30
XS1263054519 REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN 1,000 5.13 21/07/2025 113.51 115.27 2.00 200
USY54788AA57 MALAYSIA SUKUK GLOBAL 1,000 3.18 27/04/2026 106.45 108.32 1.70 250
XS1717011982 REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA 1,000 6.50 28/11/2027 83.02 85.81 9.15 200
US168863CF36 REPUBLIC OF CHILE 1,000 3.24 06/02/2028 106.28 107.97 2.08 200
US105756CA66 FED REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL 1,000 4.50 30/05/2029 96.61 98.60 4.69 200
banks bonds
US20259DAA54 COMMERZBANK AG 1,000 8.13 19/09/2023 108.32 110.64 4.64 200
XS0810596832 VTB BANK (VTB EURASIA) 1,000 9.50 - 106.22 108.34 5.92 200
XS1481041587 BARCLAYS PLC 1,000 7.88 - 96.69 98.64 7.31 200
USF1R15XK367 BNP PARIBAS 1,000 7.38 - 104.31 106.40 5.51 200
US780099CK11 ROYAL BK SCOTLND GRP PLC 1,000 8.00 - 103.61 105.55 6.24 200
XS1071551474 DEUTSCHE BANK AG 200,000 4.79 - 62.94 65.56 7.21 1
US251525AN16 DEUTSCHE BANK AG 200,000 7.50 - 81.04 83.43 7.15 1
XS0474660676 LLOYDS BANK PLC 1,000 12.00 - 111.79 113.87 8.29 100
USF22797RT78 CREDIT AGRICOLE SA 1,000 7.88 - 104.69 106.64 5.34 200
XS1760786340 ALFA BANK (ALFA BOND) 1,000 6.95 - 94.70 96.82 5.35 200

The information provided is for guidance only and may be incomplete or outdated. The examples provided are not a recommendation to buy certain instruments.

Risk warning: Trading on financial markets carries risks. The value of the investments can both increase and decrease and the investors may lose all their investment capital. In case of a leveraged product, the loss may be more than the initial capital invested. Detailed information on risks associated with trading on financial markets can be found in full risk disclosure


The bond is a debt security, under which the issuer is obliged (depending on the terms of the bond) to pay the holders interest (the coupons) and/or to repay the principal amount at the maturity.

The bond payments are predefined. The current market bond price depends on the coupon rate, term and risk of the bond.

The stock is the share of the company. Stock payments (dividends) depend on the future profits of the company.

Hence, stock prices are less predictable compared to bond prices.

You receive the regular coupons (usually 4, 2 or 1 per year) to your trading account. You will receive the nominal (par value) of the bond at maturity

Yield to maturity is the percentage rate of return the holder achieves if holds the bond until maturity date.

The calculation is based on the coupon rate, time to maturity, and market price.

It assumes that coupon interest paid over the life of the security is reinvested at the same rate.

Yield to maturity may be considered as the equivalent bank rate the investor should get if he deposits the same amount for the same term in order to get the same profit.

Note: In case the bond gives to the issuer the right to mature (call) it in several various dates (callable and perpetual bonds) the real yield-to-maturity can’t be known in advance.

One can calculate for the various Call dates to find the yield for various possible cases. The minimal yield among all call dates is yield-to-worst.

The actual yield estimations for some bonds is available here.

The rating agencies issue the credit ratings for many bonds. Higher or lower rating depends on how the rating agency estimate the credit risk of the bond.

The ratings change from time to time, as the risk of the issuer changes.

The examples of bond ratings and their meanings are available here.

Bonds quotes (prices) are traditionally in % of the nominal value, and they don’t include the Accrued Interest.

Accrued Interest is the part of the future coupon accrued for the days since the previous coupon.

When the investor buys the bond, he pays the market price (ask) and the accrued interest.

When the investor sells the bond, he receives the market price (bid) and the accrued interest.

The recent accrued interest for some bonds can be seen here.

(Ask Price % / 100 * Par Value + Accrued Interest) * minimal quantity of securities.

The bond parameters for this formula and the actual minimal investment amounts are available here.

(Ask Price % / 100 * Par Value + Accrued Interest) * quantity of securities.

The bond parameters for this formula are available here.

Please open the MT5 Global account (if you did not before) read the instructions here.

Open an account and start trading on the BONDS MARKET